2022 - 2023 Diary
October 2022
Wednesday 19thInstallation & Lunch at St. Margaret Pattens and Bakers' Hall
Sunday 23rdWest Country Lunch - A visit to Bath organised by the Prime Warden
Monday 24thCourt Meeting
November 2022
Saturday 12thThe Lord Mayor's Show
Monday 14thStewards' Club Dinner - An evening at The Cavalry and Guards Club for all Stewards past & present and their partners.
New Members' Evening - A virtual meeting to show potential members what the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers is all about.
December 2022
Thursday 15thCarol Service & Supper - A traditional part of the Festive Season followed by supper at Watermen's Hall.
January 2023
Wednesday 11thCommittee Meetings - The meetings take place over two days, the 11th and 12th January.
Saturday 14thFamily Basketmaking Day - We have now confirmed the date! All family and friends are welcome for this fun day at the Dutch Church. Please contact The Clerk for details.
Monday 16thItalian Wine Dinner at City University Club
February 2023
Tuesday 21stInter-Livery Pancake Race - Guildhall
Court Meeting - Due to the train strike this has been from from 1st February to the 28th February
Livery Dinner - At Saddlers' Hall
Due to the rail strike it has been decided to move this event from 1st February to 28th February
March 2023
Wednesday 22ndConsorts' Basketmaking Day - an invitation to the Consorts from all the Livery Companies to experience Basketmaking
United Guilds Service - St. Paul's Cathedral, followed by lunch at Barber-Surgeons' Hall
April 2023
Sunday 9thEASTER
Wednesday 12thCommittee Meetings - The meetings take place over two days, the 12th & 13th April
Court Meeting and Court Dinner - Venue TBC
Champagne Tasting - Organised by the Prime Warden at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel
May 2023
Tuesday 9thFestival of Clergy - St. Paul's Cathedral
East of England Lunch - Details to be confirmed
June 2023
Wednesday 7thCoronation Lunch - Venue to be confirmed
Election of Sheriffs - Followed by Lunch at Stationers' Hall
July 2023
Wednesday 12thCommittee Meetings - The meetings take place over two days, 12th and 13th July
Court Meeting
Basketmaking Trade Dinner - Pewterer's Hall - NOW SOLD OUT
August 2023
Tuesday 8thGarden Party at Nomura Roof Garden Exclusive joint event with Royal Society of St George, City of Westminster Branch. SOLD OUT
September 2023
Thursday 14thAnnual Company Banquet - Mansion House This event is the highlight in the Company Calendar are members are most welcome to bring family and friends.
Sheep Drive and Livery Fair - An opportunity to watch Freemen of the City of London herd sheep across London Bridge and visit the Livery Fair
Committee Meetings - The meetings take place over two days, 27th & 28th September
Election of the Lord Mayor - Guildhall - Followed by Lunch at Painters' Hall, 9 Little Trinity Lane, London EC4V 2AD
More information will be available at the end of August but if you wish to pre-book, please contact The Clerk.